Cranswick Golf Day Raises over £75,000 for KIDS Hull

Cranswick held their sixth bi-annual Corporate Golf Day at the Forest Pines Hotel, enjoying a day of fundraising for KIDS Hull.

Organised by Nick Mitchell, Cranswick’s Trading Director, and the Preston Fresh Pork team, the grand total raised was a record-breaking £75,000. All of the money raised will be distributed by KIDS HULL and remain in the local community. This takes Cranswick’s total charitable amount raised from the golf days to over £250,000.

47 teams entered the competition, with approximately 180 golfers taking part. A grand total of 230 people then attended the charity auction that evening. The winning team on the day was Unifoods, with Barrowcliffes and TVC Cambac taking second and third places respectively.


Claire Crosbie, Senior Regional Fundraiser, KIDS Yorkshire and the Humber says:

“On behalf of all of us at KIDS Yorkshire & the Humber we would like to say another huge thank you to Cranswick Country Foods for all their time, organisation, support and care taken with this incredibly successful event. A special thank you, once again, goes to Nick Mitchell who has gone above and beyond this year. The whole day and evening was flawless from start to finish.

It was beyond any amount we could ever have dreamed of and for that, also, we would like to thank everyone for attending and bidding on the auction, contributing to the raffle and showing interest in KIDS. We appreciate how time consuming an event like this takes to organise.

All the monies raised will go directly to support disabled children and young people in Hull and the surrounding area. This is a life-changing amount and will benefit so many people’s lives. We will be using the money to fund our Learn to Talk Together and Early Learning Sensory Groups. These are specialist small group play and sensory sessions for babies and very young children with a range of impairments including complex disabilities and life limiting diagnosis. Our Youth Groups run on an evening and give disabled young people (8-14years) the opportunity to get out of the house, meet up with and make new friends and do leisure activities that they enjoy in a safe and supported environment, giving their parents a break.

The £75,125 will fund all these sessions for the next 2 years and for that we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.”

Founded over 47 years ago, KIDS support over 13,500 disabled children, young people and their families every year by delivering over 120 services throughout England. KIDS is unique; there is no other organisation dedicated to providing such an extensive range of services to disabled children and young people, aged 0-25 years, irrespective of their impairment or condition. They also offer support to the whole family, with the aim of giving disabled children a brighter future.

Nick Mitchell, Cranswick’s Trading Director said, ‘We are grateful for the relationship we have with Karen, Matthew and the team at Forest Pines, and wouldn’t want to host the event at any other golf club. I would also like to thank everyone who took part for their generosity and making it another great day’.

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(from left to right)

Will Broadley (part of the Cranswick Trading team), Chris Aldersley (Cranswick’s Chief Operations Officer) Claire Crosbie (Regional Fundraiser from Kids), Nick Mitchell (Cranswick Trading Director and organiser of the Golf Day), Karen Peill (Sales Manager at Forest Pines Golf Club), Matthew Peacock (Golf Operations Manager at Forest Pines).